Saturday, July 24, 2010


miles that is. Today that is what the GPS told me. Anxious to explore some new territory I decided to SUP(stand up paddle) down the lower section of the Knik River to the port of Anchorage. This was fairly pleasant trip, until the outgoing tide played tricks on me and I found myself stranded on the mudflats in the middle of the Arm walking(and running) to beat the tide that would inevitably come back in and thwart my hopes of reaching Anchorage. After a long hour of walking, I put down a solid hour of hard paddling, and the current turned and shortly thereafter exhausted my efforts. But, by then, I was at the Port and paddled ashore. 7 hours 11 minutes and 37 miles.

Another perfect training run in preparation for the Bering Strait crossing in a few weeks. It's important to spend some time "out there"!! I did do that.

This isn't the Knik Arm, but this is what SUP looks like!!

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